Water is one of the most basic human needs. With impacts on agriculture, education, energy, health, gender equity, and livelihood, water management underlies the most basic development challenges. Water is under unprecedented pressures as growing populations and economies demand more of it. Water management is one of the most significant challenges that governments and municipalities face all over the world. As populations grow, industry and agriculture develop, and standards of living rise, the demand for water and waste management continues to accelerate. Practically every development challenge of the 21stcentury – food security, managing rapid urbanization, energy security, environmental protection, adapting to climate change – requires urgent attention to water resources management. ValuAdd has provided specialized knowledge, experience, and expertise to help our clients meet these challenges in 14 countries. We have a unique approach and skill set in helping our clients effectively manage their water related resources.

Our Services

Valu Add Management Services was formed in 1993 and has developed to become a senior level advisory and consulting firm highly focused on water supply and wastewater services sector issues ranging from public policy and regulatory reform to cost-effective utility management, the achievement of financially self-sustaining utilities. All of the services provided by Valu Add Management Services are focused on one over-riding objective, which is to assist the client in becoming the lowest cost, financially self-sustaining utility possible, while still satisfying the quality and service expectations of the system users. At Valu Add Management Services, it is truly understood that it is not enough today, in managing public water supply and wastewater infrastructure, to be technically accurate and operationally reliable; water supply and wastewater utilities must also be commercially competitive and financially self-sustaining.

Utility Management Advisory Services

Performance Improvement Services

PSP Advisory

Sector & Regulatory Improvement Services

Our Team

A Brief Profile of Valu Add Professionals

Kristin Giantris
President and Managing Director
Ms. Giantris’ professional experience combines over 20 years of economic development...
Semira Kasimati
Vice President and COO
Ms. Kasimati serves as the Vice President and chief operating Officer for ...
Esida Lekbello
Water Supply and Environmental Engineer
Ms. Lekbello is a key Water Supply and Environmental Expert under...
Daniela Gega
Finance and Accounting Specialist
Ms Gega has nearly fourteen years of accounting and financial management experience...



Project Specific Experience

The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in its areas of expertise.

The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in Eastern Europe in its areas of expertise.
Eastern Europe
The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in Middle East in its areas of expertise.
Middle East
The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in North America in its areas of expertise.
North America
The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in Asia and Southern Africa in its areas of expertise.
Asia and Southern Africa



We are happy to answer any questions you have, send us a message in the form below or using information on the right.

Rr. “Andon Zako Çajupi", Nd. 3, H. 11, Ap. 7, Njesia Administrative Nr. 5, 1019, Tirane
Office: +355 4 22 51 156 / +355 4 22 42 599
Fax: +355 4 22 51 156
P.O Box 319,
Southport, Maine 04576, USA
Tel: (207) 633-5201
Fax: (207) 633-421
Email :