Project Specific Experience
The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in Asia and Southern Africa in its areas of expertise.
Asia and Southern Africa – See Projects In: Eastern Europe Middle East North America
- Busines Plan Model, Train-the-Trainer, and Business Plan Pilot Training, Philippines. Valu Add is the task manager under a USAID funded project to develop a business planning model and guideline for application at water supply districts across the Republic of the Philippines. Once the model and training materials have been developed, Valu Add will conduct train-the-trainer course for 10 local national professionals, who will later be responsible to roll-out the training across the Philippines. To test the model and guideline, and to provide Valu Add with an opportunity to coach the trainers in a real training situation, a pilot business plan training and development program will take place for five water districts in the Philippines.
- Training in Commercialization of Public Enterprises, Jakarta, Indonesia. Participated in high-level government briefings on the principals of reinventing government management for the Capital City of Jakarta, Indonesia. Conducted intensive training program for a select group of departmental managers focused on water, wastewater and solid waste management.
- Privatization Training of Development Bank, South Africa. Conducted a training program in the fundamentals of privatization and public-private partnerships for municipal water and wastewater infrastructure for the Development Bank of Southern Africa.
- University Course Development in Water Sector PPP, South Africa. Conducted a workshop for the Rand Water Board, the largest bulk water supplier in South Africa, and contributed to the development of a certificate course in public-private partnerships for water and wastewater infrastructure at Wits University in Johannesburg.
- Water and Wastewater Concession General Transaction Advisor, Nelspruit, South Africa. Served as general advisor and team leader to conduct the proposal evaluation process and contract negotiations for the Town of Nelspruit, the first, full scale water and wastewater privatization concession in South Africa with an investment capital estimate of $60 million. As general advisor, Valu Add lead a team of South African professionals to address the engineering, legal and financial issues that needed to be managed through the bid evaluation and contract negotiation process. Of particular importance was addressing the concerns of organized labor that was philosophically opposed to private sector delivery of public services.
- Start-up Training Manager, Hong Kong. Served as training manager for the chemical feed facilities of the Hong Kong Advanced Primary Wastewater Treatment Plant. In this capacity, Valu Add, as subcontractor to the major U.S. engineering firm, Camp Dresser and McKee, developed all of the training modules and delivered both classroom and hands-on training to the local national staff to include process, maintenance and safety training.
- Expert Advisory Services to Contract Management Unit, Johannesburg, South Africa. Serving as team leader to provide expert advisory services to the Contract Management Unit (CMU) of the City of Johannesburg, South Africa, for the development of an implementation strategy relative to the role, responsibility and authority of this unique governmental unit. The City Council of Johannesburg has elected to use a commercialization model for managing its relationship with the various public sector service delivery units in the City. In so doing, the City, working through the CMU, actually negotiates a services agreement with each service delivery function. It also negotiates either a tariff schedule for those services, or a budget allocation for the delivery of services.