Utility Management Advisory Services
- Strategic and Business Planning
- Operational Budgeting and Cost Control
- Financial Management and Reporting
- Organizational Analysis and Restructuring
- Cost of Service Analysis
- Customer Service Improvement
- Capital Program Planning and Analysis
- Internal Controls
- Maintenance Management Systems
- Tariff Policy and Rate Structures
Performance Improvement Services
- Performance Bench Marking
- Staffing Skills Analysis/Assessment
- Process Optimization/Documentation
- Operational Data Reporting Systems
- Unaccounted-for-Water Analysis
- Operations and Maintenance Manuals
- Training Needs Assessment
- Training Program Development/Delivery
- Predictive/Preventive Maintenance Programs
Private Sector Participation (PSP) Advisory Services
- Operational Audits and Efficiency Studies
- Capital Planning/Financial Feasibility Analysis
- Competitiveness Analysis
- PSP Awareness and Capacity Building
- Privatization Options Analysis
- Procurement Transaction Assistance
- Contract Preparation and Negotiation
- Contract Monitoring/Incentive Analysis
Sector and Regulatory Reform Services
- Sector Analysis and Restructurings
- Regulatory Reviews and Structuring
- Management and Capacity Assessments
- Legal/Regulatory Authority Development
All of the services provided by Valu Add Management Services are focused on one over-riding objective, which is to assist the client in becoming the lowest cost, financially self-sustaining utility possible, while still satisfying the quality and service expectations of the system users.
At Valu Add Management Services, it is truly understood that it is not enough today, in managing public water supply and wastewater infrastructure, to be technically accurate and operationally reliable; water supply and wastewater utilities must also be commercially competitive and financially self-sustaining.