North America

Project Specific Experience

The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in North America in its areas of expertise.

North America  –  See Projects In:  Eastern Europe    Middle East   Asia & Southern Africa
  • Management Analysis and Recommendations, Kent Country, Rhode Island. Conducted a comprehensive management study for the Kent County Water Authority, RI, which included a series of workshops with the Board of Directors to develop a mission statement for the Authority, the forecasting of staffing needs to support documentation to the State regulatory board, major recommendations in the area of customer service, and a rethinking of the role and skill needs of Authority personnel in the area of water line construction.

  • Transaction Manager, Rockdale Country, Georgia. Managed a contract operations procurement process, to include contract negotiations, for Rockdale County, GA, for its wastewater collection and treatment system to include six treatment plants and an extensive pumping and conveyance system.

  • Expert Advisory Services in Commercial Practices, Ontario, Canada. Provided a variety of senior advisory services to the Ontario Clean Water Agency (Canada) in its reorganization process to become a self-sustaining business entity with no government support through operating subsidies.  The Agency has an annual operations and maintenance budget of $US 120 million in water supply, treatment, transmission, and distribution, as well as wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services.

  • Expert Services in Litigation and Compliance, New Orleans, Louisiana. Provided over three years of litigation and compliance assistance services to the Water and Sewerage Board of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana.  The initial services provided were those of expert witness to support the Board in the enforcement action taken by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, acting through the U.S. Justice Department.  Working with the legal counsel, the Board was able to successfully avoid a direct fine, which could have been over $10 million, if not successfully contested.  The legal action did result in a Compliance Order issued by the Court that required to Board to meet a number of stipulations in the operation and maintenance of the sewer system.  Valu Add provided a senior staff member to function as a part-time resident advisor, to work with the General Superintendent’s Office of the Board, in developing and implementing procedures that would insure compliance with the Court Order.