Project Specific Experience
The following provides a summary of a variety of projects that Valu Add has undertaken in Middle East in its areas of expertise.
Middle East – See Projects In: Eastern Europe North America Asia & Southern Africa
- Water Utility Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking Framework, Lebanon. Recently retained by the German Foreign Technical Assistance organization (GtZ) to serve as Task Leader in the development of a framework for the implementation of a water utility performance monitoring and benchmarking program. Ultimately, the program will empower the Ministry of Energy and Water to be able to monitor the performance each of the four Water Supply Establishments that cover the entire country of Lebanon.
- Expert Assistance in Business Plan Development, Two Water Establishments, Lebanon. Valu Add provided expert technical assistance and consulting services as a subcontractor to the Lebanon Water Policy Program (funded by USAID) in the areas of building Private Sector Participation Awareness on a national level, and in working with the newly formed South Lebanon Water Supply and Wastewater Establishment to prepare and implement a five-year strategic and business plan. The Establishment was formed by the merger of four existing water supply authorities and has a population of over 800,000 people within its service area. This initial assignment was followed a similar assignment to develop a strategic and business plan for the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Supply and Wastewater Establishment, the largest in Lebanon, with a population of over 1,500,000 within its service area.
- Management Assessment, Cairo Sanitary Drainage, Egypt. Provided the Team Leader for the conduct of a Managerial Capacity Assessment of the Cairo General Organization for Sanitary Drainage (Cairo GOSD-wastewater), Cairo, Egypt, funded by USAID. Cairo GOSD employees over 15,000 people and has a population of over 11 million people in its service area. The Assessment strongly recommended the contract management of all of Cairo GOSD’s wastewater pumping, transmission and treatment facilities, with the public work force to be focused on customer service activities and collection system operation and maintenance.
- Organizational Analysis of National Water/Sanitary Entity, Egypt. Provided the Team Leader for the conduct of an Organizational Analysis of the National Organization for Water and Sanitary Drainage (NOPWASD) for the Government of Egypt, funded by USAID. The Organizational Analysis included recommendations to restructure NOPWASD as a policy and standards organization, and to decentralize its project implementation activities to more local Public Enterprise Authorities. NOPWASD has a total of 1,500 professionals and support staff.
- Expert Advisory Services on Privatization, State of Israel. Provided management and organizational advice to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Interior in the State of Israel as it related to the water supply and sewerage sector with a particular focus on privatization options. Conducted workshops and discussion groups on privatization in-country, and designed, organized and conducted a two-week study tour in U.S. for a senior Israeli delegation.
- Training on Privatization in Water Utility Sector, Kingdom of Jordan. Conducted the introductory training modules on private sector participation and the procurement cycle for water supply and wastewater services to ministry level professionals in the Royal Kingdom of Jordan.