Daniela Gega, Finance and Accounting Specialist

Daniela Gega, Finance and Accounting Specialist
Ms Gega has nearly fourteen years of accounting and financial management experience. She previously worked for the Water Regulatory Authority of Albania where she was a financial specialist involved in reviewing the performance of water utilities across Albania, and in preparing the Authorities Annual Report on the Water Sector. This work required her to function in a senior administrative management position with direct responsibilities in rate analysis and structure, and management information systems as they relate to water utility operations and management, as well as utility/ regulatory commission inter-relationships.
Ms Gega has an excellent appreciation of the regulatory and financial management needs of the water supply and sewerage sector in a transitioning economy. She has experience in applying benchmarking techniques in measuring the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of water utilities as part of her previous tariff approval process at the Water Regulatory Authority.
Since joining Valu Add Management Services, she has been engaged in a variety of project assignments related to financial analyses, water utility business planning, and performance monitoring and benchmarking of water supply utilities. In project specific areas, Ms Gega is specialized in analysing financial data, interpreting data for the purpose of determining past financial performance, identifying regulatory conflict areas and options for resolution, and structuring tariff policies and strategies to resolve funding shortfalls in water supply and sewerage utilities.